Posted on November 24, 2023

Top 7 destinations for budget travellers

1.Vietnam is known for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and delicious street food. Accommodation, food, and transportation are generally affordable, making it an excellent destination for budget-conscious traveler.

2.Mexico offers a diverse range of experiences, from beautiful beaches to vibrant cities. Street food is delicious and inexpensive, and budget accommodations are widely available.

3.Bolivia is a South American gem with breathtaking landscapes, including the famous Uyuni Salt Flats. Accommodation and food are budget-friendly, and the country offers a unique cultural experience.

4.India is a budget traveler's paradise with a rich tapestry of cultures, historical sites, and diverse landscapes. Street food is delicious and affordable, and budget accommodation options abound.

5.Portugal combines history, culture, and beautiful landscapes with reasonable prices. You can explore charming cities, enjoy local cuisine, and relax on the picturesque beaches without breaking the bank.

6.Colombia has become an increasingly popular destination, offering a variety of experiences from vibrant cities to lush jungles. Prices for accommodation, transportation, and food are generally budget-friendly.

7.Romania is known for its medieval towns, castles, and scenic landscapes. It's an affordable destination with budget-friendly accommodation and delicious, reasonably priced local cuisine.